Dota 2 Counter Pick Hero List Part 1
Hello Dota People , did you Notice that JackyLMFAO EternalEnvy Kicked 1437 and SVG with unpeacefull Exit ? . LMFAO ......
I hope that all Dota 2 Ranked Games Guide work to help you guys . If you didnt read yet How To Win Dota 2 Ranked Games , Click on HERE to Read . Oke before i make an article about how to win 2k - 3k games . So as i Promise there that i will make Dota 2 Counter Hero List .
Dota 2 has more than 100 Heroes now , The new one added to dota 2 world is Monkey King . One of the best heroes, can fit all roles as support , midlaner or carry . But in Dota 2 we dont have heroes that very powerfull . Every Heroes has its Counter . Like Monkey King who like jump on Tree . Just Pick Storm or Bloodseeker .. Look at Hero List HERE
I will make from Strength Heroes First Here you go :
Earthshaker Counter Heroes

- Rubick (Skills Stealer)
- Spectre (With haunt his dag will broke)
- Storm (Can initiate first)
- Zeus (Hand of Gods will touch his ass , so he can use Dagger)
Sven Counter Heroes

- Axe (Call and blade mail)
- Bristelback (Spread the dirty liquid)
- Venomancer (Throw the cum)
- Winter Wyvern (Cold Embrace)
- Razor (Static Link)
Tiny Counter Heroes

- Rubick (Skill steal)
- Drow Ranger (range hit)
- Bloodseeker (RUPTUREEEEEEE)
- Legion Commander ( Duel )
- Axe ( Call and Blade Mail )
Kunka Counter Heroes

- Rubick (Skill Stealer)
- Naix (infest / rage)
- Phantom Assasin (Initiate with blink )
- Enigma (BlackHOLEEEEEEEEE)
- Spectre (Haunt)
Actually all the heroes above can survive , depend on how you play it . But with those counter heroes you can Dominate the heroes easily specially minute 0 - 20 on the games . That's all for part one , we'll continue part two after the break . Going to watch Dota 2 TrueSight for fifth times first . Thanks for read Guys hope you can +25 everyday . Lets go to second part in HERE .
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